Loved by the APR family… Never to be forgotten.Read more
In the past I volunteered at the annual festival for abandoned and homeless animals called Cause 4 Paws. The proceeds went to our wonderful and much needed and appreciated Abandoned Pet Rescue. As usual, we had a great turnout of folks with their beloved critter companions, many of whom had their pictures displayed on ChannelRead more
She was called “the true definition of spunk. The woman with the mind of her own. The volunteer who would do anything that needed to be done.” APR’s Judy Fritz passed away June 20th after spending more than a decade giving of her time and love to our animals. During her tenure she worked everyRead more
THE PAWGRESS REPORT By Allie Katz Statistics tell me that More than 86,000 people are injured by tripping over their dogs or cats every year in the U.S. I’m beginning to think that nature invented cats to make sure humans never make it past their natural life expectancy. I have four of the critters,Read more
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I dearly love animals. I inherited my love and respect for animals from my father, and grew up with an assortment of critters in and around the house. He was forever bringing home some kind of stray, and wasn’t particular what species it was. He daily fedRead more
I just caught this from one of those obscure websites out there in Cyberville and just had to share it. It was reported by Nisha Kotecha on May 9, 2016. It bolsters my faith that there are wonderful, caring people all over the world, but the news media just doesn’t introduce them to us veryRead more
Janet has been an APR volunteer for six years, where you can find her behind the desk at the shelter on Mondays and Fridays, showing dogs at PetSmart, or any one of APR’s weekend events. Her favorite thing to do is hob-nob with the canines. She and her husband have two dogs, one of whichRead more
By Allie Katz “I thought about it for a long time,” Olivia Cantville told me when we met at the APR shelter on Sunday afternoon while her parents were helping her deliver her donation, “and I thought it would be the best thing to do.” When I asked her if she had saved the moneyRead more
His name was Pixie but that’s because he was part of an all-female litter, or so the APR team thought. Pixie, Dixie and Trixie came from a cat colony in Oakland Park. It is a colony that some of our volunteers have watched over on a regular basis for nearly 20 years. They feed thoseRead more