Janet has been an APR volunteer for six years, where you can find her behind the desk at the shelter on Mondays and Fridays, showing dogs at PetSmart, or any one of APR’s weekend events. Her favorite thing to do is hob-nob with the canines. She and her husband have two dogs, one of which was rescued from Miami Dade Animal Control.
She says she is a “dog person,” but I found that hard to totally believe after she told me that she feeds stray and feral cats at her door and in her garage on a daily basis. This sweet lady is apparently an animal magnet. She told me the story of one of her especially friendly and good-natured charges that she took to the shelter because she noticed that he didn’t have the notched ear symbol of having been neutered. The shelter scanned the kitty and found that he had an embedded chip which they traced to Janet’s across-the-street neighbor. The neighbor had to go to the shelter to claim their “stray.” I asked her if she had inquired whether the neighbor feeds this poor critter. She said she did, but he still comes over to her house on a daily basis. Ah, yes, that incredible animal instinct for sensing and seeking out nice people never fails them.
Janet is originally from Chicago and her husband is originally from Ohio. They have been in Florida since 1985. They reside in Davie in close proximity to the “Hardrock,” so she has an approximately 20 to 30 minute drive to the shelter, depending upon traffic.
We at APR are as thankful for you, Janet, as are the love-starved tuxedos and tabbies that show up at your house for dinner. We’d like to express our heart-felt thanks, as the kitties and dogs would too, if they could.
Make sure you say hi to Janet the next time you stop by the shelter.