Happy Tails for Sugar and Shannon! After being rescued from a hoarder house along with 6 of their siblings the girls waited at APR for over 4 years. They were scared and nervous and staff and volunteers worked with the everyday. As time passed they got better with people, their bond grew stronger but no one came to meet them. Then last weekend a woman walked in and told us her story. Three years ago she visited out center and fell in love with the girls. She was pregnant at the time and knew she could not handle two large girls who were still very nervous at that time and a newborn so she left. Unknown to us she never forgot them. Last week she was looking at our website and saw their picture. She burst into tears and her husband turned to her and said “it is time – go and get your girls!” So after 4 years of waiting Sugar and Shannon have gone home! We know there will be a lot of adjusting for everyone but we are so excited for them and so deeply grateful to her new mom and dad! Happy lives girls. You deserve it!