I couldn’t have a cat when I was a child because the uncle who raised me was allergic to them. I married a man who had been raised with only dogs and declared that he didn’t have much use for cats. I discovered how full of the proverbial “stuff” he was at breakfast one morning. We were in the military, and lived off base in a very tiny trailer. When I turned to give him his coffee, he was no longer sitting at the table. A mother cat had given birth to three kittens under our trailer, and my husband was lying on the floor, hanging out the door feeding them his bacon. We later gathered them up and took them to a shelter, but kept one of the kittens. Say hello to Kit Cat. This tiny fluff ball and my husband became inseparable, and frankly I was surprised. I think some people find it difficult to obtain the friendship of a cat because cats are philosophical creatures, and don’t place their affections and loyalty thoughtlessly. Cats are very good judges of character. That was the first addition to our family. After that we were never without a cat or two, or three.
Through all the years of cat companionship, I have learned a great deal about feline personality. One of the most misunderstood characteristics is the “love bite.” Have you ever been petting a purring cat and have it latch onto your finger or arm? Stop being alarmed when this happens. What most people don’t understand is that because cats don’t have lips per se, they can’t pucker up and give you a kiss. Instead they either lick you or give you a soft “love bite.”
Man is the animal with superior intelligence to every other species, right? I don’t remember who told me that, but I’m still searching for proof. All we have to do is that one thing that we’re supposed to be so good at, and that is to THINK! If the cat had any intention of malfeasants, they could easily plant those little needle-sharp teeth right down to the bone. I wince at the thought of how many misunderstood kitties have gotten a smack up-side the head for merely trying to return affection.
I don’t think Sigmund Freud was right about everything, but he was right when he said, “We are never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose love.” So, dear hearts, rejoice in those little love bites. Like everything else in life, you won’t have them forever.
Anatole France said, “Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.” Let us know the circumstances under which your soul was awakened, so others might be as well. Enlighten us at alliekatz04@gmail.com. ASAP. Allie