Abandoned Pet Rescue survives in large part because of the wonderful people who volunteer each and every day. But did you know it’s not all about walking dogs and playing with cats?
Our volunteer efforts span a wide variety of needs from those who volunteer to transport animals, people who work our booths at area events, people who plan our special events, people who market the organization and so much more. So, this month we wanted to tell you about just some of the needs we have.
If you’re sitting at home with nothing to do and have a few computer skills we need you to check the answering machine, transcribe the messages and deliver them via e-mail to the appropriate people.
Every time someone comes into the shelter to consider adoption our staff could use volunteers who will help those potential new parents understand how our program works and what will be expected of them.
Housekeeping is the toughest job at the shelter but if you’re willing to pitch in we can sure use your help each and every week.
I’m sure you read our e-mails asking for volunteers each month for events. We also say “please be patient until, we call you back.” That’s because need help from people scheduling our volunteers for events.
I heard a story today from a lady who told me about a volunteer who lived in another state. She wanted to help by phone so she started calling people and asking for Silent Auction item donations. Could you do that for us?
Perhaps you’re a graphic designer and have a few hours a month to help us create the creative graphics we like to use in this newsletter and on our web site, Facebook and Instagram pages. Take out your electronic pencil and write us a note.
Another way APR raises money is by applying for grants. But there are many grant programs we are unaware of so we need to find a grant researcher/writer who can help us find new income sources.
Fundraising can be a daunting task so we always need people who are willing to work the phones and meet people in the community to interest them in APR as a donation possibility.
Plus, we have committees that work on marketing and public relations, small events, major events and more. Volunteer to be on a committee, attend meetings and help carry out the plans for the organization.
Whether you have an hour a month or some time very single day there are things you can do that will make a difference for APR.
Become a volunteer now. Just e-mail us at abandonedpetresc@aol.com and we will get back to you. But remember be patient because the e-mails are all read and replied to by VOLUNTEERS.